Our Hatchery

Ornatas is developing a sustainable aquaculture industry for lobster, with its home here in Australia. It all began in Tasmania, with a world first scientific discovery by the University of Tasmania’s Insitute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), allowing us to commercialise Tropical Rock Lobster larval breeding technology for the first time.

From Tasmania to Northern Queensland. A pilot hatchery is now operational in Toomulla Beach, near Townsville.

Ornatas is pushing forward with new and innovative ways to improve aquaculture practices. We are at the forefront of lobster aquaculture, creating opportunities for technology transfer to other aquaculture sectors.


Toomulla Beach, Townsville
Hobart, Tasmania

Toomulla Beach. Townsville

This location was carefully chosen from several options in northern Australia. The hatchery currently supports almost 20 technical, operational and administration staff. The site provides the perfect growing environment, while the close proximity to Townsville brings many opportunities for economic growth and development of employment opportunities in the region.

A new facility is being constructed to house the new live feed production, an extended hatchery, and a Recirculating Aquaculture System plant room. This new infrastructure will increase our capacity, preparing us for our ambitious growth plans.

Ornatas Toomulla Beach Site, Queensland

Environmental Protection

Ornatas has a commitment to protecting the environment. We carefully consider environmentally sensitive practices in our process and operations. We have an ambition to alleviate the pressure on the wild catch lobster industry.​

Our hatcheries use state of the art energy and water methods

Reducing pressure on the wild catch Tropical Rock Lobster puerulus industry

Highest level of biosecurity standards, meeting national and international standards for export

Our hatcheries will be sympathetic to the natural environment

Ornatas will actively participate in initiatives to protect the local environment