Our hatchery was featured on ABC NEWS Rural this week after we announced that we will begin producing Tropical Rock Lobster Larvae. This event sets in motion our world’s first commercial-scale operation, hatching and growing out Tropical Rock Lobsters! An inspection of the Tropical Rock Lobster broodstock by hatchery staff earlier this week revealed that some of its female broods are carrying eggs that are set to hatch over Christmas.
Whilst it is still early days, the hatchery is hoping to see its first Tropical Rock Lobster Phyllosoma (the first lifestyle stage of a tropical rock lobster) over the new year. However, as highlighted in the article by CEO Scott Parkinson, producing a baby Tropical Rock Lobster can be complex and take up to four months. The process is usually extremely difficult but the technology developed by our partner IMAS has allowed our organisation to successfully apply the breeding of tropical rock lobster on a commercial scale. The Ornatas team has already successfully trialled and begun commercial-scale grow-out of Moreton Bay bug’s within the hatchery, which due to their similarities to the tropical rock lobster have proven to be a vital part of developing the aquaculture systems and training hatchery staff. The progress brings support to an operation that is at the forefront of worldwide aquaculture operations.
Our hatchery team will now be working hard over Christmas to monitor the Tropical broodstock and their eggs, our hatchery staff will likely be working around the clock to ensure that the animals are well supported during the hatching process.
For the Ornatas team, there simply couldn’t be a better Christmas present!
You can read the ABC News article here.

Cover Image: (ABC News Rural)